Friday, June 24, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/20 Colorado Springs - Peckham, OK

Aunt Carole's Journal:

Good morning – Well, we are starting home today.  It has been a wonderful vacation.  Seems we might have some rainy weather, but we have been very fortunate in having good weather. 

Left Colorado Springs at 10:42 (MDST) – Kyce got his Colorado license so he is all legal again.  We left him a happy camper.  He will be glad to be home again in November.

Oh my, 8 deer just went across in front of camper in front of us.  Actually 6 went across and 2 went the other way.  Jean says they are probably over with the other deer now.

Stormy weather – rain, wind.  Girls are doing a good job driving, but it sure is rough.  Be glad when we get out of it.  Weather cleared up just about Hays, Kansas.  We saw 3-bladed windmills about 35 miles west of Salina; seems to be 200 or more.  We also went thru a dirt storm about the same time.  Glad that didn’t last very long.  Stopped for Schlotzsky’s at Salina, KS, then on toward home….or I should say Peckham.  Sandy on cell says really lightening.  Think girls are ready for day to end.  We will stay at Jean’s tonight and then on to Tulsa tomorrow.


Debbie's comments:

This is the last blog for an amazing trip.  We have all had a great time and consider it a once-in-a-life time trip.  We have traveled a total of 4,480 miles.  When we started the trip, we considered ourselves "Road Warriors".  As we end the trip, we lovingly/laughingly consider ourselves the "Road Weariers".  We have a lot of great memories, seen some amazing things, traveled through 10 states, and, believe it or not, already discussed what our next trip should be. 

We started the morning with Delma and Kyce heading to the DMV to get Kyce's Colorado license.  Delma had great optimism they would quickly get through the line and we would be on our way home.  She is used to Ponca City lines; I had serious doubts....having to deal with the Houston DMVs.  When they got there at 8:00am, they were 12th in line.  Not too bad.  However, the DMV required Kyce to show proof of residence.  They had to go back to the base, get a copy of his cable bill and return to the DMV.  They were 53rd at that point.  BUT by 10:45am they were done.

In the meantime, Aunt Carole and I were loading the car.  Now we have had great weather this entire trip.  Well, the weather caught up with us on our last day.  We had been going in and out of the hotel via the back door.  Our last day was no exception.  Aunt Carole and I loaded up that luggage cart with all of our suitcases, computer, ice name it; we had it.  That cart was loaded to the top.  Well, when we went outside, it was "drizzling".  Aunt Carole suggested we go through the lobby and out the front door so we could load the car under the canopy.  Well, I thought it was only "drizzling" so thought we could quickly load the car.....the drizzle would not be a problem.  That was true until we got past the hotel.  The drizzle turned into a light rain.  Not so good.  I told Aunt Carole to go ahead and pull the car around to the front and I would pull the luggage cart around.  No easy task there.  Not to mention I had visions of 2 elderly women looking through the window at this idiot pulling a luggage cart in the rain.  I'm sure that would give them PLENTY to laugh and talk about.  I did get the luggage cart around to the front (without getting too wet) and Aunt Carole managed to figure out how to get Delma's car started and met me there.  We got the car loaded, checked out of the hotel, and were on our way to the DMV to meet Delma and Kyce. 

At 10:45am, we said goodbye to Kyce and headed home.  We had light rain for the most part, but did fight heavy winds.  Not much to report about the trip home except it seemed LONG.  When Garmin told us our next turn was 367 miles (Salina), we all knew we were in for a boring stretch of road.  We did the best we could to keep ourselves entertained.  Our only stops (for the most part) were rest stops....I caught Mom and Aunt Carole at a rest stop in Kansas.....more matching t-shirts.

Delma had mentioned the large number of electric windmills we would see, so had to take a few pictures.

 Then actually went through a dust storm....the ground was so dry the wind was blowing away the top soil in a field.

What a beautiful sign!!

 I drove the first 3 hours of the trip.  Delma took over and brought us on home.  At the rest stop on I-35 (right before the OK state line), I took over.  Per Garmin, we had 42 miles left to Peckham.  We were skirting bad weather again.  Lots of lightening in the distance.  We got to the last toll booth, and I reduced to the required speed limit of 30 MPH.....that sign was at least 1/2 mile from the toll booth.  It seemed like it took an eternity getting to the toll booth.  Delma was rocking back and forth to help us make it!!  (It seriously wasn't my driving; I was just obeying the speed limit....ridiculous as it was!).

OKLAHOMA -- yea!!  We were 1 1/2 miles from the Braman exit.  I was behind a semi (going way too slow) so I passed him.  Mom hollered a bit and thought I should have stayed behind him; I knew I had plenty of time.  Then I heard this "gasp" and heard Mom telling me the Braman exit was a "quick" turn.  I told Delma she set me up to get the last "gasp" from Mom on the trip.  We are finally on the Peckham road.  What a beautiful lightening show was going on towards Newkirk.  But that lightening didn't look as good as the Peckham lights.  We're HOME!

I wanted one more picture of the 4 of us together, but there was no one to take it.  On the last day of the our trip, I figured out how to use the "timer" on my camera.  Here's our final vacation pic!

Look at all of those smiles!!  We sat on the porch for a bit, talked to Becky on the phone, shared stories with Becky that didn't make it in the blog (some just didn't need to be written down), and were so glad to have made the trip.  It couldn't have been better.

Delma, Aunt Carole and I met Lee and Linda at Sand Springs on Tuesday.  We had lunch at Logan's, then Aunt Carole headed home.  Delma took me to Chris and  Lori's....then headed back to Ponca.  I had one more day.  I flew home to Houston on Wednesday afternoon. 

Great trip completed!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/19 Colorado Springs, CO

No journal from Aunt Carole (wow, she really took the weekend off!)

Debbie's comments:

We had a SLOW start to the day.  Delma and I got up a bit early.  I read a book and Delma played her "spider" game....the ladies slept in a bit.  They got up around 9:00, and then we just enjoyed the morning.  When Mom and Aunt Carole got up and around, they participated in one of their favorite pasttimes.....watching the people going to Tinseltown.  Caught them in action:

The stories they tell about these people and observations made are hilarious.  They enjoy it a lot.

Around 11:00am, Delma took off to pick up Kyce.  Still without a license, he is currently at Delma's mercy to get anywhere.  That will change tomorrow morning.  They came back and picked us to the Royal Gorge we went.

It was another beautiful drive and I got lots of pictures.  Wow!  When we got to the Royal Gorge, we couldn't believe how many people were there.  Busy, busy day.  Our next surprise was when we got to the gate.  They have added many "attractions" and have turned the Royal Gorge into a "carnival" (per Mom and Aunt Carole).  We couldn't just go look and walk across the bridge or go down to the river.  We had to pay a $25 fee.  With Kyce's military card, we could all get in for $21 each.  Mom and Aunt Carole opted out.  They said they would just sit down and wait for us.  We were a bit hestitant, but since we were there, Delma, Kyce and I decided to go on into the park.  Delma got lucky and someone gave her a free ticket.  Great!  Kyce and I paid.....while waiting in line, Kyce overhead a scout troop getting in for $12.  He couldn't believe scouts could get in for $12 dollars, but people in the service only got a $4 discount.  Oh well, we went on in.

The first thing we do (of course) is head towards to the bridge.  Now I have to explain why I took a picture of Delma in front of a Montana sign.  For those people who have been to the Royal Gorge and walked across the bridge, you know that all 50 states have a sign and their flag flying.  Well, since we started this trip on June 4, we have been looking for car tags and keeping track of all of the states we had seen.  When we got to Colorado Springs, we needed 4 more tags:


That's not bad....only needed 4.  When we were out on Friday doing that laundry debacle, Delma found a Hawaii tag.  Holy Cow!   Who would have thought.  Yesterday, we found an Oregon tag.  Now we were down to 2.  Well, we just haven't had any luck.  SO, today we decided the sign on the Royal Gorge Bridge would just have to here's the picture.

......that was great.  Except we forgot to take a picture of Vermont.  We got wrapped up in Oklahoma and Texas.

Delma humored me with the Texas flag/sign.

We made it across the bridge and decided to head to the tram.  We could either walk the half mile UP the hill to the tram or we could wait a few minutes for the trolley.  Well, you can guess we decided to walk.  Whew!  Every time we found a tree, we stopped for a break.

We finally made it to the top of the hill and just had to wait on the tram.  Delma found a spot to rest....she had had it!!

The tram finally arried and we took an amazing ride back across the Royal Gorge.  Here is my favorite picture of the day!

We decided to head back to the hotel after that.  Mom and Aunt Carole had been sitting at the front gate waiting on us while we checked things out.  They assured us they would be fine, but we still needed to cut things short.  Of course, Mom and Aunt Carole had made the most of it.  They got to know the "kids" at the front gate.  They let Mom and Aunt Carole go inside the park to the bathroom and get water.  They also met a woman who waited about an hour for the rest of her party to arrive.  She thought Mom looked "amazing" at 79.  She hoped she looked that good (she was 70 and looked pretty rough according to the ladies) when she turned 79.

Anyway, we headed back to the hotel.  Got there a little before 6:00pm.  Delma and I ordered takeout from Outback and we had a fantastic dinner in the room.  I got a quick picture of Mom and Aunt Carole.  Hey, I started the day with them, so it was appropriate to end the day with them.

One final thing to note.  Did you notice the matching black t-shirts Delma and I had on?  Well, Mom and Aunt Carole had matching pink t-shirts  They said "What happens with the Sisters stays with the Sisters -- Niagara Falls".  We loved them.  They are the last matching shirts we bought.  Seemed appropriate to wear them today.  We just hated not being able to get pictures of all 4 of us together on the Royal Gorge Bridge.

That's it for today.  Delma and Kyce will head to the DMV around 7:15am tomorrow.  Hopefully ther eis not problem with Kyce getting his new Colorado license.  Then we are off to Peckham, OK.  Yeah!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/18 Colorado Springs, CO

No journal from Aunt Carole (took ANOTHER day off)

Debbie's comments:

Another great day.  It started EARLY this morning with Delma taking a smoke break at 2:00am and finding Kyce sitting in his pickup listening to music.  He had gone to a 10:40pm movie (X-men) and said he wasn't quite ready to come into the room and listen to the symphony of snoring.  Don't know what his problem was; I use earplugs and have no problem at all.  Anyway, they stayed up until 3:00ish talking; then came to bed and crashed. 

I got up around 6:00am and started reading a book.  That light on the Kindle is WONDERFUL!  Around 6:30am, Kimmie called Aunt Carole.  She just about hit the wall trying to find her phone.  Everyone's day began.....sort of.  Aunt Carole went down for coffee; I joined her later and let everyone else get some sleep (or so we thought).  Delma came down later.....everyone started to notice this pink t-shirt and black capris theme we had going for the day.  Of course, Delma had to REALLY get everyone's attention when she did a little shake making her waffle.  Can't take her anywhere.

Went back to the room and got around for our trip to Cripple Creek.  Off on another adventure.  OK, so we had a slow departure from the room.  Mom and Aunt Carole left first; me next; then Delma and Kyce brought up the rear.  We had to hold the elevator for Delma and Kyce (slow pokes).  When we finally all got in the elevator, we were just chit-chating and enjoying our day.  Kyce finally noticed we had not moved; he hit the 'down' button to get things started (OK, I forgot to hit the down button).  We all had a big laugh.  A great start.

Delma suggested I drive TO Cripple Creek and she would drive back  Great idea (second great idea on the trip)!  It was a wonderful drive.....or so I kept hearing from everyone.  I kept my eyes on the very winding roads.  I dind't hear Mom gasped too many times, so felt I was successful in getting us to Cripple Creek.  Here's our first view of the town:

Drove through the quaint little town taking in the sights and trying to decide on which casino to win our millions at (ha).  Kyce suggested Wildwood Casino; sounded good to us.  We had a great time.  This is another sight of Grandma and Aunt Carole never seen before.  Just take a look at the total concentration on Aunt Carole's face.....Mom is getting warmed up.

Look at Grandma now; Kyce says she is 'addicted'.

Delma caught me when I had doubled my money (on the penny slots!!) I was happy!

We stayed at the casino a couple of hours.  I lost $35, Aunt Carole lost $25, Mom lost $6 and Delma lost an undisclosed amount (she didn't offer up any info)!  Before we left, we had to get a picture of all of us.  Don't we look great (Kyce fit in with his maroon shirt):

We had enough of the casino, so headed back to Colorado Springs.  We HAD to stop at the Woodland Park Sonic we saw on our way to the casinos.  Let me tell you, it was the best looking Sonic I've ever seen; and it's not because I haven't seen that many since we left Oklahoma 2 weeks ago (I have missed my Sonics!).  Before we left, I had to take a picture!

Isn't it great?  I was so impressed with this Sonic, I completely missed the beautiful view of the mountains.  All I had to do was turn around.....didn't have a clue until we started to drive out.  Delma stopped so I could take some great shots.  I used the zoom lens and took this picture.

On the drive back to Colorado Springs, Kyce road in the back.  He passed out.  We got this brief peek of Kyce sleeping:

Delma said where else would Kyce be when he is in a car with his Mother.  He always slept on road trips!

Made it back to the hotel around 4:00pm.  Delma and I left to get more water and make an ATM run.  I used my handy-dandy MCCU (Members Choice Credit Union) app to find the closest free ATM.  It said it was .14 miles from our location.  4 miles later we found it in downtown Colorado Springs.  Delma asked me how much money we were saving by driving to the "free" ATM.  I had to agree.  BUT we did see downtown Colorado Springs.  It's beautiful.  I enjoyed the drive.  AND we made it back without Mom telling Delma "red light, red light"!  We had to laugh at that.

We are in for the night.  Mom is watching the college World Series.  Texas is behind at the moment.  Hopefully they can come back and win.  We'll see. 

Well, that's it for today.  We may drive to the Royal Gorge tomorrow.  Aunt Carole said it has been many, many, many, many, many, many, many years since she has been there (I may have left out a 'many' or 2).

I'll share more tomorrow.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/17 Colorado Springs

No journal from Aunt Carole; she took the day off.

Debbie's comments:

Well, the day started early for some.  Kyce spent the night with us last night.  We made a pallet out of the bed comforters and he sacked out early.  The rest of us weren't far behind.  Beause of that, Kyce was awake at 4:00am....and reading up on a new game that comes out this next November (what an overachiever), Delma was up at 5:30 and me soon after.  Delma and I decided we would take the laundry and get it done before Mom and Aunt Carole got up.  Off we go.

Got to the laundromat at 6:40am.  Wouldn't you know, it didn't open up until 7:30am.  What's up with that in a military town!!  So off to McDonald's we went for a bite to eat.  Then back to a different laundromat closer to McDonald's.  We got the laundry loaded and happily set there reading a book and playing computer games.  Apparently that is a really popular place because people were eagle-eyeing machines waiting for people to move on to the dryers.  There was this one machine that had clothes in it and no one seemed to know who they belonged to.  Delma and I knew we had 5 loads, so it wasn't ours.  We got the clothes dried, folded and headed back to the hotel.

As we were deciding what to wear tomorrow (we still have 2 more look-a-like shirts), I couldn't find my black capris.  Mom couldn't find her pants and Aunt Carole was missing a brown pair of pants.  Could we really have left a load of clothes behind; could that unclaimed machine really have been ours?  We headed back to the laundromat.  And guess what, yep there were our clothes.  Delma said I split up a load of clothes; I don't remember putting them in that machine.  Oh well, a mystery remains.  Don't know what happened, but we were lucky the clothes where still there (unwashed). Back to the motel we go.

Well Aunt Carole and I had dirty clothes that didn't make it in the original laundry trip, so Delma and I went BACK to the laundry to finish up.  We started the laundry at 6:40am; we finally wrapped it up around 1:00pm.  What a time we had.

Got back to the hotel.  Kyce was taking a nap and the ladies were doing their favorite thing -- watching people through the window.  We have a bird's eye view of the Tinseltown movie theater.  It's been a great source of entertainment.  We finally got ready and went to have a late lunch/early dinner at Olive Garden.  We had a great meal; but Aunt Carole got to feeling bad.  Her blood sugar dropped suddenly and we had to get some milk for her real quick.  She decided to go back to the room and rest while we went to the base with Kyce.

Off to the base we go.  As we got closer to Ft. Carson, Kyce started singing "please, don't search us; please don't search us".  Well, he jinxed us and we got searched.  Of course I immediately thought how cool it would be to take pictures of us getting searched.  I found out real quick it is a Federal offense and a security risk.  NO PICTURES!!  Kyce found out his driver's license expired in April.  Not a good thing.  We all had to exit the vehicle, leave all purses/bags in the pickup and leave the doors open.  Well, Delma and I shut our doors....oops!  Delma was standing around with her hand in her pocket; that is a big no-no......and don't even THINK about smoking.

The search was finally over, and Delma had to drive.  We'll get Kyce back to his barracks tomorrow and leave his pickup parked.  Delma is going to figure out what to do about his license.

We did visit Kyce's barracks, took some good pictures and grabbed some pillows, blankets and clean clothes (Kyce was spending another night with us). 

Outside Kyce's room.

Kyce beside the flag Delma sent him in Afganistan.

Back to the hotel we go.  We are in for the night.  Delma bought the latest "True Grit" movie and we are getting ready to enjoy.

More tomorrow.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/16 Kearney, NE to Colorado Springs, CO

Aunt Carole's Journal:

Stormy night.  First rainy weather so far this trip. Going to snoop around the 'Stagecoach', which is suppose to be Nebraska's most exciting gift store.  May find something good.  Cold in Kearney.  Wind blowing and cloudy.  Was a nice gift shop.  Girls bought some things.  Next stop - Gothenberg, NE, to see original station for the Pony Express.  Was interesting and got some nice pictures. 

Oh, what fun, we went by feedlot.  Debbie was looking at magazine and didn't realize we had. She thought Delma had done something bad.  I asked if they wanted me to roll down the window.  I received a loud "NO" from the front seat. 

Nice rest stop just as we entered Colorado.  Has gotten a little warm outside.  Changing drivers; lots of tourists here.  Subway across road, so you know what is for lunch.  Saw first wreck on other side of road.  Looked like a camping trailer.  Didn't see any ambulance; hopefully no one hurt.

Arriving motel Colorado Springs, CO.  4:30pm mountain time.  Glad to be here.  GOOD NIGHT!!

Debbie's comments:

As Aunt Carole said, this was a travel day so there really isn't much to blog about.  The landscape has definitely changed through each of the states.  Going through Nebraska and then into Colorado Springs was just a LONG stretch of road with little variation.....that is until you get closer to Denver/Colorado Springs and started seeing mountains.

Our main excitement today was seeing Kyce.  Here are some happy reunion pictures:

It took Delma, Kyce and Grandma to order the pizza and Kyce's hotwings.  I only wish I had a picture of Kyce eating them.  They were so hot he got the hiccups, had to stand up to eat while wiggling around, and almost broke into a sweat.  We were all laughing at him; Grandma couldn't figure out why someone would put themselves through that!!

Grandma got Kyce a "John Wayne" t-shirt.  John Wayne is "the man"; Kyce really appreciated the shirt.  It had one of Kyce's favorite sayings on it...."A man's got to do what a man's got to do!"

That's it for the evening.  We are just visiting with Kyce.  No plans at the moment for the rest of the weekend; we will make it up as we go along.  Can't wait!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/15 Winterset, IA - Kearney, NE

Aunt Carole's Journal

June 15 - Stayed in only motel in Winterset.  I had to go after my OWN coffee because the girls went running around.  And when I went in for my OWN coffee, I found out about the storm chasers that had checked into the motel this morning at 4:00am.  They were from Colorado.  4 women; 2 men

Jean treated us all to breakfast at Winterset, IA.  Paid an extra $1.20 for Jean's wheat bread (she ordered wheat instead of white bread) and also paid a $1.00 extra for Debbie's hard fried egg .  GO FIGURE!!  BUT, we didn't pay for Debbie's orange juice.

On to see the  covered bridge where movie was made - Roseman bridge.  Then we went to John Wayne's birthplace. 

Stopped at quilt shop.  Beautiful material.  Debbie got pattern and material for Jean a quilt. 

Stopping to look for t-shirts.  This has been a wonderful stop for all.  Enjoyed the town of John Wayne's birthplace.  One more bridge; Hogback.  While taking pictures, the wind blew my hair and Delma said "Aunt Carole, time to color your hair.  All I see is a white ring."  So guess next stop will be to buy Miss Clairol 106A.

And then on road for several miles.  Are about 700 miles from Colorado Springs.  We will stop tonight someplace and Delma will be glad to get out of Iowa because of the "no smoking" signs at rest stops.  That is kinda hateful, I think.  They had places to walk the animals, but you can't smoke.  Oh, hell, motorcycles just went by with radios really loud.  Scared Jean and me! 

Now stopping for gas.  Jean somehow gets herself all folded up like a monkey; kinda funny to watch her unravel.  Delma hit mirror while washing windshield; Debbie didn't hear Delma tell her about it.  Kinda exciting getting back on interstate -- Debbie couldn't see oncoming traffic.  Freaked out a bit until she could get the mirrow adjusted.  Made it safely onto the interstate.

Went by Council Bluff, IA, took pictures of bridge.  Debbie said "What is that weird looking stuff on the ends of the bridge".  Delma said "That's art, Debbie"!  But Debbie didn't really like it.  Was kinda strange where we were in Omaha and Jean and I didn't even know it.  We were just riding and trying to keep quiet for a change.....which won't last long.

Just went by where they are having the college world series.  Doesn't start until Friday, so we are passing that up.  More road work; Debbie driving.  Said she didn't mind driving with the cement barriers on the left.....unless she was passing a truck and wind blowing....which it was doing both.  And besides she had a handful of trail mix.  What fun!!

SONIC!!  We have to stop.  Then on to see the University of Nebraska.  Delma is thrilled.  Was you ever in Nebraska; not knowing where you were going; driving a car with an "OU Sooner No. 1" car tag?  EXCITING!!  We couldn't find the stadium; asked directions from this man.  He gave us directions like this "blup, blup, blup" (you'll have to ask Aunt Carole how to say this).  Maybe we are going to make it.  We made it!!

Traveling now, seeing a lot of pretty country.  Real green.  Probably stop for motel in another hour or so.  Staying in Kearney, NE, which is the same town Bonnie, Clifton, Jean and I stayed in 11 years ago.  Brings back a lot of good memories.

Debbie's comments:

Delma and I got up earlier than usual this morning and decided we would go to Roseman bridge (which is the farthest from town) and spare Mom and Aunt Carole.  Off we go.  We took some beautiful pictures and were really pleased we had let the ladies sleep in.  What we didn't know is the Roseman bridge is "the" bridge in "Bridges of Madison County".  We had to go back and let Mom and Aunt Carole see it anyway.  No big deal.  We enjoyed the drive.

As Aunt Carole's journal mentioned, we spent some time today touring John Wayne's home, bought some souvenirs, tried to find a t-shirt with the 6 bridges (were not successful)), and Mom picked out the quilt she wants me to make.  All in all, a very successful day.  On the way out of town, we stopped at the last bridge - Hogback.  We took MORE beautiful pictures.

When we wrapped up pictures of the last bridge, Mom almost RAN to the car jumping and hollering "yippee".....seriously!

How many of you have seen Grandma like this?

Anyway, the rest of the day was spent driving towards Colorado Springs.  We wanted to at least get 300 of the 700 miles under our belt today....and we did a pretty good job.  On to Colorado Springs tomorrow

More to come......

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/14 De Kalb, IL - Winterset, IA

Aunt Carole's Journal:

June 14:  Good morning.  All showered and ready to go.  I believe McDonald's is our first stop as Delma said it sounded better than breakfast here.  Debbie and I argue over paying for breakfast.  Debbie won!!

Going to stop today to see where some of the movie "Bridges of Madison" county was filmed.  Delma got a little excited thinking about Clint Eastwood and the gas pedal just kept going down.  Jean hollered a little.  Going through Ronald Reagan's birthplace - Tampico, IL.  Turned around and went back to Dixon, IL, to Reagan's boyhood home.  After several turns, back roads, and much, much discussion, I think we are on the right road according to Garmin (unless we change our minds again). 

Can you believe we stopped at a fancy rest stop that had a sign that said "no smoking anywhere except in your enclosed car"?  We just stayed there long enough to potty (Delma did smoke); then away we go.  Delma took a little nap; but no snoring this time.  Some of these folks up here are a little wild with their driving.  They just dart in and out.  Debbie is trying to stay with them.  Think I'll take a little nap.  Stopping for rest stop for picnic, but too cold and windy outside, so just stayed in car.  We enjoyed it anyway.  As Debbie says, Jean and I could write about everyone.  We just make stories up all of the time.

Changed drivers; had been teasing Debbie about gunning it and using extra gas.  Guess what!  Delma did it too!  Be-bopping on through Des Moines.  Lots of traffic and bumpy road.  Arriving at 4:48pm at Winterset, IA, John Wayne's birthplace and Bridges of Madison County.  Plan to stay here tonight and do some sight seeing tomorrow.  Then on towards Colorado Springs.  Went to Cedar Creek bridge Tuesday evening before going to motel.  Delma and Debbie taking pictures.  Also found quilt shop in Winterset.  Debbie gets their quilt books; she is really excited.  And we are for her.  Went to Cutler-Donahoe covered bridge.  It is in the park in Winterset.  What better could you do, then covered bridges, John Wayne's birthplace and a nice quilt shop.

On to Holliwell bridge for pictures; then on to Imes bridge for pictures; then back to the motel for evening and night.  Which might be a good thing, as Jean hollers "red light, red light", when it is really a stop sign.  Delma gets so excited she doesn't know what to do about stopping.  It was funny as Delma did get stopped and no cars where coming.

Made it to the motel; all resting.

Debbie's comments:

First of all, I have to tell you why I didn't get my blog done last night.  We stayed at the only motel in Winterset, IA.....a Super8 motel.  It was nice enough; but their wireless network wasn't strong enough for Delma's computer to connect to.  I would have had to blog in the motel lobby; and that just wasn't going to happen.  I was disappointed because we had so much to share......well here goes.

You know, the beautiful thing about this trip has been not knowing what to expect for the day.  When we stopped at Hardee's on Monday, some ladies told us about the covered bridges in Madison County, IA.  Of course Delma and I had already read about them, but we didn't know where they were.....well, we found out we needed to go to Winterset, IA.  When we left Chicago, that was our destination.

I got out the handy AAA book (we have one for each of the regions we went through) and started reading about Winterset.  That's when we found out Winterset is the birthplace of John Wayne.  Who knew!  Aunt Carole was really excited about that.  OK, add another "thing to do" in Winterset.  Well, on the way, we saw signs about Ronald Reagans birthplace.  What the heck. We had to go.  We drove through this little town, Tampico, IL and found the following mural.

Doesn't Delma look like she belongs?

Ronald Reagon was born in a little apartment above the bank (in Tampico).  We decided we would rather see his boyhood home in Dixon, IL, so we back tracked to Dixon.

We walked around the home; took some pictures (Aunt Carole was cutting up for the camera); then decided to move on to Winterset. 

The trip was uneventful, but poor Mom was really cold.  She got my white hoodie jacket and her jean jacket and covered up.  Aunt Carole was a bit ornery and took her picture.

Winterset is a beautiful little town that is obviously a tourist attraction (what with John Wayne AND the Bridges of Madison County).  Extremely well maintained.  We were driving down a street and I just about jumped out of the car.  I saw a "Fons & Porter" store sign.  I had never heard of a Fons & Porter store; just the magazine I receive bi-monthly.  WE HAD TO STOP!!  Marianne Fons & Liz Porter are extremely well known in the quilting world.  What a treat to actually go into their store (their only one)!

Well, we checked in the wonderful Super8 motel.  The manager told us we could probably get 2 of the covered bridges out of the way today.  Ha!!  We did 4 before finishing the evening.  Delma and I got out to take pictures.  Mom and Aunt Carole didn't budge from the car!

They were definitely ready to get to the motel. 

We checked in and I fought with the wireless network.  Decided to give up and call it a night.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/13 Howe, IN to Chicago, IL (De Kalb, IL)

Aunt Carole's Journal:

June 13:  Another morning, about the same.  Debbie and Delma are loading the car.  Jean and I, as usual, just watching.  Good trip, huh!  Loaded and on the road.  First stop, Walmart in Michigan.  Next stop will be McDonald's and then away we go.

Debbie told Jean and I we could write a soap opera from watching people.  Oh, Delma, right again.  Guess about what?  We are going to visit Notre Dame.  Exciting!  Debbie and Delma are walking around to take pictures.  Too much walking for us old folks.  The University is beautiful and the stadium is also.  Wish we had the money it would take to attend this school.  Stopped for lunch at Hardee's on interstate.  Funny thing happened that we won't always tell. 

Made it to Chicago.  Took a nice tour of the city and saw lots of sites.  Leaving Chicago; traffic everywhere.  Maybe get to Iowa and get us motel for the night.  We will all be ready again tonight.

These states up here have toll roads everywhere!  The most we paid was $9ish.  The least so far was 80cents.  No place to pull over so the battery operated cigarette is coming out.  Stopping for gas at De Kalb, IL.  Just 78 miles of gas left.  It seems we are running closer and closer to empty.  Motel time, so we will sign off.

Debbie's comments.

Our motel in Howe, IL, was just 2 miles from Michigan.  So we decided we had to at least cross the state line (since we were so close).  And guess what, there was another Walmart.  Delma had bought a new pair of parachute style pants a couple of days ago and they were just too big.  Mom and Aunt Carole gave her a hard time when she put them on....Aunt Carole said they would fit her.  So, Delma went into Walmart, found a new pair of the same pants and changed in the bathroom.  When she got close to the car, she threw the "large" pants through the car window and hit Aunt Carole, causing her to spill her coffee.  That was screw up number 1 for the day:

Delma was shocked she actually go the pants through the window and Aunt Carole was shocked to have a pair of pants thrown at her.  We all laughed, coffee was cleaned up, and we were on our way (after we stopped at McDonalds first).

Now on the road to Chicago.  But, as usual, we saw a sign about something we just had to see.  Notre Dame University.  With took the exit for South Bend, IL and, once again, followed the Garmin instructions to the campus.  Mom and Aunt Carole stayed in the car (throwing a 'pretend' fit).

Delma and I took the camera and off we went.  We took LOTS of pictures, but we'll only share a few.

After walking around the campus, we drove past the football stadium.  Gives a whole new perspective when OU plans Notre Dame.  Back in the car to continue our trip to Chicago.

We stop at a Hardee's before getting into Chicago.  Nothing noteworthy, but since were were all wearing our orange "jail" shirts from the Rockville Old Jail Inn, we had our picture taken.

Don't we look cute?

I do have to tell you a side note.  When we got to Hardee's, Delma pulled into a parking spot.  We had a car pull up on both sides of us, so we waited until those folks got out of their cars.  When we were getting out, Mom asked Delma if she had turned her car off.  Delma said, 'yes, Mom'.  Well, when she tried to lock the car, it wouldn't lock.  Delma thought Mom was standing too close to the car (and Mom has the 2nd key).  Well, guess what, Delma did leave the car running; that's why it wouldn't lock.  That was screw-up #2!!  We got another big laugh out of that.

OK, now we are finally on the final stretch to Chicago.  Wow!  What a fantastic city it is.  I won't even try to share a lot of pictures.....I took a total of 312 pictures today.  Some of Notre Dame; the rest of Chicago.  They have some fantastic buildings there.  We took a double-decker bus tour of the city.  It was wonderful.

But first, I had to snap a picture of Mom and Aunt Carole as we left the parking garage.

Delma and I thought they looked so cute holding hands as they were getting ready to take on the big city.  I had called ahead and got the address of where to catch a double-decker bus tour (at the Navy Pier).  When we were crossing the street heading for the Navy Pier, I ran ahead to take this picture.

Apparenty the sight of 4 women dressed in bright orange t-shirts crossing the street in a big hurry was a funny thing.  The couple in the car behind Delma had to honk and wave at us.  They were really laughing.  We were too!!

We are now off on the bus tour.  It's one of those hop-on/hop-off tours.  We only got off of the bus at one stop....the Water Works stop.  We went to the Hershey's stop for our "free" gift....a Hershey's bar.  When we left the shop, Delma realized she had bird poop on her t-shirt.

I guess that is what happens when you ride on the top deck of a double-decker bus.  While waiting at the bus stop to "hop" back on the bus.  We asked a lady to take our picture.  We had told her the story of Delma and the bird poop.  She asked us which one of us had the 'poop' on their t-shirt.  This picture was taken when we responded to the question.

We wrapped up the bus tour around 6:00pm.  Back to the car...and out of Chicago we went.  Mom and Aunt Carole had all they wanted of a BIG city.

We drove for a while and found a motel in De Kalb, IL.  We're staying at the Best Western....nice motel.  3 women are asleep again as I wrap up this blog.

Tomorrow morning we head out again.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/12 Niagara Falls, NY to Howe, IN

Aunt Carole's Journal:

June 12, 9:40am -- Leaving motel; heading for Chicago.  Probably stop for the night before we get there.  First stop; back to sourvenir shop; called Three Sisters Trading Post (at Niagara Falls).  On we go.  Toll road; tried to give Debbie money; but she is more interested in photo op.  Oops!  She forgot to put the battery back in the camera.  Oh, finally made it; and money was important.  Had to pay toll.  Just realized 63 miles of gas left.  Jean usually keeps us informed.  I'm kinda getting excited because all I see is water and no gas station.  Made the gas station with 53 miles of gas left.  Oh, but aren't we having fun (yes!). 

You know with 4 women, we have an answer for everything.  Sometimes it might be questionable but since I don't know the answer, I have to agree.  Debbie is still checking out Garmin; just to make sure we are going the right way (West).  Off the interstate again, seeing lots of grape vineyards along Lake Erie.  Going to Lake Erie State Park....$6 entrance fee.  Debbie and I put our toes in Lake Erie.  Sure was cold, but it was worth it. 

This trip has been real educational for me....learning new words.  Traveling with world traveler and spelling bee champion.  And if there is something we don't know, we google it.  Technology is something.  Debbie is driving, so Delma is trying to straighten out Garmin.  Of course we change our minds sometimes, so she has to "recalculate" again.  Stopped for lunch at Burger King.  Real slow waitress.  On road again.  Change drivers again; they decided to change every 2 hours.  Makes it easier on everyone.  Getting close to Cleveland.  Lots of traffic for Sunday.

News Break!!  Delma had an idea!  But Jean nixed it all to hell.  No, not really!  Delma has 14 pairs of sunglasses in car, and can't find any of them.  Guess we will stop for more.  Really just has 3 pair.

Temperature is up to 65; we are having a heat wave. 

5:22pm - Stop for gas, potty and smoke break.  Interesting at gas stop.  4 highway patrols had truck pulled over.  Handcuffed 2 men; and put in back of police car. Talking to another.  Left before we know what was happening.  Guessing it was drugs or something like that.  Back to the interstate

Elva Jean just said I looked bad.  I hope she was teasing.  I think she meant tired.  Oh, front seat is rowdy.  Delma can't find where we are on the map.  Hope we are still in the U.S.  Never know!  Debbie is driving and Delma is giving her mean looks a lot about what the co-pilot is suppose to do.  Guess it is time to stop for the day; get a motel and watch the ballgame.  We all have little nests built in the car and Delma is having trouble getting out of hers - LOL!

In motel, relaxing and ready for the ballgame.  Debbie is ready to do the blog.  Good night from me.

Debbie's Comments:

Well, we are leaving Niagara Falls this morning....heading for Chicago.  It's 557 miles to Chicago, so we know we won't make it before the game tonight.  That's our stopping hour before tip-off. 

Our first stop is to head back to the 'Three Sister's Trading Post'.  We stopped there yesterday during the tour, but we only had 30 minutes to shop.  That's just not enough time when you have a bus load of people shopping at the same time.

Mom and Aunt Carole stayed in the car while Delma and I shopped.  Got a few more souvenirs....then headed out of town.  This is a travel day, so there won't be a lot of pictures.  We enjoyed crossing over the Niagara River one last time; then on to I190 . 

Aunt Carole and Mom remembered we did not get a New York rock for Joseph.  Not a whole lot you can do about that when we're on an interstate.  But wait, there is a sign for the Lake Erie State Park.  We head off the interstate in a quest for a rock.  Aunt Carole and I decided we also wanted to at least put our toes in Lake Erie.

We enjoyed the brief stop at Lake Erie.....and we had success with finding a rock for all of the Morgan boys.  Now, back on the road.

Not much else to say.  Started looking for a motel around 7:00pm.  Found one in Howe, IN.  Now in our room and watching the game.

We are less than 200 miles from Chicago.  Don't really have any plans for tomorrow, so Aunt Carole and I will have to tell you about in tomorrow's blog.