Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/12 Niagara Falls, NY to Howe, IN

Aunt Carole's Journal:

June 12, 9:40am -- Leaving motel; heading for Chicago.  Probably stop for the night before we get there.  First stop; back to sourvenir shop; called Three Sisters Trading Post (at Niagara Falls).  On we go.  Toll road; tried to give Debbie money; but she is more interested in photo op.  Oops!  She forgot to put the battery back in the camera.  Oh, finally made it; and money was important.  Had to pay toll.  Just realized 63 miles of gas left.  Jean usually keeps us informed.  I'm kinda getting excited because all I see is water and no gas station.  Made the gas station with 53 miles of gas left.  Oh, but aren't we having fun (yes!). 

You know with 4 women, we have an answer for everything.  Sometimes it might be questionable but since I don't know the answer, I have to agree.  Debbie is still checking out Garmin; just to make sure we are going the right way (West).  Off the interstate again, seeing lots of grape vineyards along Lake Erie.  Going to Lake Erie State Park....$6 entrance fee.  Debbie and I put our toes in Lake Erie.  Sure was cold, but it was worth it. 

This trip has been real educational for me....learning new words.  Traveling with world traveler and spelling bee champion.  And if there is something we don't know, we google it.  Technology is something.  Debbie is driving, so Delma is trying to straighten out Garmin.  Of course we change our minds sometimes, so she has to "recalculate" again.  Stopped for lunch at Burger King.  Real slow waitress.  On road again.  Change drivers again; they decided to change every 2 hours.  Makes it easier on everyone.  Getting close to Cleveland.  Lots of traffic for Sunday.

News Break!!  Delma had an idea!  But Jean nixed it all to hell.  No, not really!  Delma has 14 pairs of sunglasses in car, and can't find any of them.  Guess we will stop for more.  Really just has 3 pair.

Temperature is up to 65; we are having a heat wave. 

5:22pm - Stop for gas, potty and smoke break.  Interesting at gas stop.  4 highway patrols had truck pulled over.  Handcuffed 2 men; and put in back of police car. Talking to another.  Left before we know what was happening.  Guessing it was drugs or something like that.  Back to the interstate

Elva Jean just said I looked bad.  I hope she was teasing.  I think she meant tired.  Oh, front seat is rowdy.  Delma can't find where we are on the map.  Hope we are still in the U.S.  Never know!  Debbie is driving and Delma is giving her mean looks a lot about what the co-pilot is suppose to do.  Guess it is time to stop for the day; get a motel and watch the ballgame.  We all have little nests built in the car and Delma is having trouble getting out of hers - LOL!

In motel, relaxing and ready for the ballgame.  Debbie is ready to do the blog.  Good night from me.

Debbie's Comments:

Well, we are leaving Niagara Falls this morning....heading for Chicago.  It's 557 miles to Chicago, so we know we won't make it before the game tonight.  That's our stopping hour before tip-off. 

Our first stop is to head back to the 'Three Sister's Trading Post'.  We stopped there yesterday during the tour, but we only had 30 minutes to shop.  That's just not enough time when you have a bus load of people shopping at the same time.

Mom and Aunt Carole stayed in the car while Delma and I shopped.  Got a few more souvenirs....then headed out of town.  This is a travel day, so there won't be a lot of pictures.  We enjoyed crossing over the Niagara River one last time; then on to I190 . 

Aunt Carole and Mom remembered we did not get a New York rock for Joseph.  Not a whole lot you can do about that when we're on an interstate.  But wait, there is a sign for the Lake Erie State Park.  We head off the interstate in a quest for a rock.  Aunt Carole and I decided we also wanted to at least put our toes in Lake Erie.

We enjoyed the brief stop at Lake Erie.....and we had success with finding a rock for all of the Morgan boys.  Now, back on the road.

Not much else to say.  Started looking for a motel around 7:00pm.  Found one in Howe, IN.  Now in our room and watching the game.

We are less than 200 miles from Chicago.  Don't really have any plans for tomorrow, so Aunt Carole and I will have to tell you about in tomorrow's blog.

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