Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pearson 4 Road Trip - 06/19 Colorado Springs, CO

No journal from Aunt Carole (wow, she really took the weekend off!)

Debbie's comments:

We had a SLOW start to the day.  Delma and I got up a bit early.  I read a book and Delma played her "spider" game....the ladies slept in a bit.  They got up around 9:00, and then we just enjoyed the morning.  When Mom and Aunt Carole got up and around, they participated in one of their favorite pasttimes.....watching the people going to Tinseltown.  Caught them in action:

The stories they tell about these people and observations made are hilarious.  They enjoy it a lot.

Around 11:00am, Delma took off to pick up Kyce.  Still without a license, he is currently at Delma's mercy to get anywhere.  That will change tomorrow morning.  They came back and picked us to the Royal Gorge we went.

It was another beautiful drive and I got lots of pictures.  Wow!  When we got to the Royal Gorge, we couldn't believe how many people were there.  Busy, busy day.  Our next surprise was when we got to the gate.  They have added many "attractions" and have turned the Royal Gorge into a "carnival" (per Mom and Aunt Carole).  We couldn't just go look and walk across the bridge or go down to the river.  We had to pay a $25 fee.  With Kyce's military card, we could all get in for $21 each.  Mom and Aunt Carole opted out.  They said they would just sit down and wait for us.  We were a bit hestitant, but since we were there, Delma, Kyce and I decided to go on into the park.  Delma got lucky and someone gave her a free ticket.  Great!  Kyce and I paid.....while waiting in line, Kyce overhead a scout troop getting in for $12.  He couldn't believe scouts could get in for $12 dollars, but people in the service only got a $4 discount.  Oh well, we went on in.

The first thing we do (of course) is head towards to the bridge.  Now I have to explain why I took a picture of Delma in front of a Montana sign.  For those people who have been to the Royal Gorge and walked across the bridge, you know that all 50 states have a sign and their flag flying.  Well, since we started this trip on June 4, we have been looking for car tags and keeping track of all of the states we had seen.  When we got to Colorado Springs, we needed 4 more tags:


That's not bad....only needed 4.  When we were out on Friday doing that laundry debacle, Delma found a Hawaii tag.  Holy Cow!   Who would have thought.  Yesterday, we found an Oregon tag.  Now we were down to 2.  Well, we just haven't had any luck.  SO, today we decided the sign on the Royal Gorge Bridge would just have to here's the picture.

......that was great.  Except we forgot to take a picture of Vermont.  We got wrapped up in Oklahoma and Texas.

Delma humored me with the Texas flag/sign.

We made it across the bridge and decided to head to the tram.  We could either walk the half mile UP the hill to the tram or we could wait a few minutes for the trolley.  Well, you can guess we decided to walk.  Whew!  Every time we found a tree, we stopped for a break.

We finally made it to the top of the hill and just had to wait on the tram.  Delma found a spot to rest....she had had it!!

The tram finally arried and we took an amazing ride back across the Royal Gorge.  Here is my favorite picture of the day!

We decided to head back to the hotel after that.  Mom and Aunt Carole had been sitting at the front gate waiting on us while we checked things out.  They assured us they would be fine, but we still needed to cut things short.  Of course, Mom and Aunt Carole had made the most of it.  They got to know the "kids" at the front gate.  They let Mom and Aunt Carole go inside the park to the bathroom and get water.  They also met a woman who waited about an hour for the rest of her party to arrive.  She thought Mom looked "amazing" at 79.  She hoped she looked that good (she was 70 and looked pretty rough according to the ladies) when she turned 79.

Anyway, we headed back to the hotel.  Got there a little before 6:00pm.  Delma and I ordered takeout from Outback and we had a fantastic dinner in the room.  I got a quick picture of Mom and Aunt Carole.  Hey, I started the day with them, so it was appropriate to end the day with them.

One final thing to note.  Did you notice the matching black t-shirts Delma and I had on?  Well, Mom and Aunt Carole had matching pink t-shirts  They said "What happens with the Sisters stays with the Sisters -- Niagara Falls".  We loved them.  They are the last matching shirts we bought.  Seemed appropriate to wear them today.  We just hated not being able to get pictures of all 4 of us together on the Royal Gorge Bridge.

That's it for today.  Delma and Kyce will head to the DMV around 7:15am tomorrow.  Hopefully ther eis not problem with Kyce getting his new Colorado license.  Then we are off to Peckham, OK.  Yeah!

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